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The Faculty & Staff Campaign for the University of South Florida is a fundraising effort that allows you, the employees of USF, to make a gift to the area of your choice at the University. These gifts stay at USF, and make a lasting impact in each area that you choose to support.

Have participated in the Faculty & Staff Campaign.

USF World
Message From the Vice President

USF World works to promote a global culture on campus, internationalize student success, enhance global initiatives within the university system and deepen global engagement with the Tampa Bay community.

Through Education Abroad and International Services, we create new and academically challenging opportunities for our students? overseas, while at the same time, welcoming nearly 4,000 international students on campus. In the next five years we want to increase by 50% the number of USF students who will undertake a profound and transformative overseas academic experience. This bold goal will require we enhance access to our student scholarships.

Our efforts bring renowned international speakers, dignitaries, world leaders and ambassadors to campus to educate the USF and Tampa Bay community on current events around the globe.

On campus we serve as resource for international opportunities including; Peace Corps, the Global Academic Partner program, funding for international research travel and global events on campus, Fulbright opportunities, and a Discovery Hub where you can connect access data on USF?s global profile.

All of these initiatives support the 2013-19 strategic goals and enhance the domestic reputation and the international profile of USF. They will benefit our whole community but most of all our remarkable students.

Thank you for considering making a gift to a USF World initiative.

Dr. Roger Brindley
USF System Vice President, USF World

Fund NameFund PurposeFund Number
Scholarships to support international student scholars 600003
To support ongoing operations of the Department. 390790
To support education abroad scholarships. 610005

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of USF employees have participated in the Faculty & Staff Campaign.THANK YOU!